Alvarez Ortega

Spanish (1927–2011)

About the artist:

1927 - Born in Cordoba on May 9 at No. 5 San Felipe Plaza, Ramon y Cajal today the seventh son of Mariano Alvarez Beral Barrionuevo and Mary Sánchez Ortega Moreno Pastor Soria He was baptized in the Church of San Juan, La Trinidad, on June 19 and was given the name of Rafael Alvarez Ortega 1929 - They will live in the street Hoces Lopez No. 46 next to the Victory Gardens. 1934 - Attend the High Street School in Santa Ana n ° 7 and later to the public of the Good Shepherd Street, Jardines de San Hipolito Colon and the Great Captain. 1935 - Is confirmed in the Church of San Juan on the 13th of June. Book 18 Folio 203 No. 404. 1936 - In August and due to the war will live in the house who had their parents in the Brilliant Gold Granite, called Santa Paula. 1938 - On May 29 his mother died of a tumor target. On June 1 kill his older brother, Mariano, the Frente de Teruel, when he was only 21 years. 1940 - Attending School in Vista Hermosa and is ready for Admission to the Institute of Plaza de las Tendillas by D. Anastasio Perez Dorado where she six years of high school 1942 - Goes with his father and his sister Adele to Malaga. At the station his father said, Look, The Sea A blue band still looked over the low roofs. He never understood how the sea was up there still. 1944 - Retiro Park, Vesuvius erupted, and a Byzantine church, are the first pictures that I copy from a geography book studying for an exam after Christmas. 1945 - Gerardo Olivares comes from the Institute of Spanish Culture, takes you to the Congregation of San Luis Gonzaga at San Hipolito, where he met José Manuel Fernández Arroyo in July and Increase Martínez. Copy of a magazine oils "Children with Harmonica" (1) and "Moonlight" (2). 1946 - In April he met Pablo García Baena through July increased Gerardo Olivares and a walk in the Altos de la Victoria Gardens. On October 3, makes his income in the College of Education located in the Plaza de San Nicolas where he studied the three-year career. Classmate is Rafael Benitez del Rosal, who lets his superb knowledge of art books in the library of his uncle. Crown Pine (3) and Self (4) are oil this year. 1947 - Casa Vasca (5) Frederic Chopin (6) Brahms (7) Wagner (8) Azahar Tumbler (9) San Francisco (10) which is a copy of Zurbaran and gives Gerardo Olivares next to the portrait of his sister Maria del Carmen (11). In the annexes of Education courses at the School of the street knows Saravia Juan Bernier, who is in charge of the class of tough guys. Ricardo Molina introduces him to a goat who is accompanied by collecting Poetry Prize Juan Valera. 1948 - Change the time of the practices in the School of Education attached to the occupation of painting a big picture that represents San Rafael Alcangel (12) box that was hung in the center of the ladder resting Street School Saravia. Other paintings of this year is five. Does the illustrations for his brother Manuel "The footprint of things" (042-043-044-045-046-047-048 and 049) and "Siroco" (050-051-052 and 053) and " Song of the poor "(079) Nicolas Osuna. In June he published at No. 5 Song "Winter" and "Song." In July assists with fellow students to a camp in the Escorial to obtain the title of Professor of Physical Education. Review here his friendship with Antonio Ladron de Guevara the son of a shot of the war, he kept a great library that opened roads. Close the book of poetry 1946 - 1948 entitled "With eyes closed" 1949 - On April 23 he met Vicente Aleixandre in Cordoba, the beginning of a great friendship. On April 27, Don Vicente Serrano Ovin Professor of History at the School of Education organized a trip to Avila and Madrid career. Have the opportunity to visit first the Prado Museum. In August presents Entrance Examination in the School of Fine Arts in Santa Isabel de Hungría in Seville. In September, influenced by John Bernier, presents competitions launched by the Provincial Government of Córdoba to study painting at the Escuela de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in Madrid. After tests and exercises in competition with other applicants was awarded a scholarship "Rafael Romero Barros" which is equipped with four thousand pesetas a year for four years. In October he moved to Madrid and lives on a pension from the Plaza de Santa Ana's classmates who is in Fine Arts are among others: Lucio Muñoz, Luis Feito, María Jesús Lampeare, Camilo Porta, Ulah Holm, Fernando Baron Leopoldo Anchoriz ... In October Aglae published in the Journal "Song of the blue" and "Poem of the three hikers" belonging to the book "With eyes closed" In December, a week goes by Cañete de las Torres Muñoz Allodi family. This year are books of poetry, "Bitter Victory" and "Lover Gift" this year's oil paintings are eleven. 1950 In January moves to Calle Alfonso XII n º 13 in Madrid with a view to Atocha. In March he returned to Córdoba sick and weak due to food Ends May 27 Course in Fine Arts with the result of two approved and two Gifted and Higueras Molina wins the Colorado worth $ 250 The drawings in this year's thirty-two and twenty-two oils are In June wrote three booklets of poetry entitled "Poetic Prism" "Time of Anguish" and "La Pena Negra Booklet"] 1951 In January, still lives in Alfonso XII n º 13 which is visited by José Manuel Fernández Arroyo and Gabriel Moreno Plaza Four exhibitions held in Cordoba for two weeks, in April and May in the Library Góngora Cruz Conde street that are reflected in the Diario Córdoba in April by Manuel Medina González, in May with an article by Ricardo Molina and in June by another text Medina González. By Harold Wortham, an American painter who studied restoration of Fine Arts, meets William Huntington, a wealthy traveler who buys four drawings and three oil paintings 074-080-082-086 31-34-38, which is the first money you earn from your art. Course ends in May of Fine Arts with two approvals and two Outstanding. The drawings are dated this year: 82 and oils: 24 In June we received an invitation to participate in the First Bienal Hispano Americana Art signed by Leopoldo Panero. Following the news Ricardo Medina González and Molina published in the Diario Córdoba two long articles in October. On August 20, published "The songs of José Moreno Onofre" where the design includes 272 On October 1 Municipal Hall was inaugurated in the Street Art Gongora Cordoba with an exhibition of paintings in which fifty titles listed catalog of drawings and three oil paintings with a beautiful text of John Bernier. Products of Medina González on 15 October and Ricardo Lopez Martinez in November was published in the Diario Córdoba and an unpublished text written by Luis Jiménez Martos on 18 October. E-Literature published in March in his No. 19 321 and 322 drawings. Aglaia Magazine published in its October 4 volume of poems in the book Lover Gift. Clavileño magazine published on its number 12 090 094 drawings and 097. On December 9 Vicente Alaixandre dedicates the poem "The Soul" written by hand on a book by the painter. El Ateneo de Madrid used in the presentation of the Christmas catalog in the Ateneo drawing 302 of the painter. The President of the Diputación de Córdoba Gisbert Joaquin Luna uses drawing 104 that had purchased for Christmas. 1952 A friend of Antonio Gala, Francisco Cordova Berenguer passing through the exhibition being open last October, is interested in organizing an exhibition in Valencia, for which talks with the Board should hold Mateu and exposure from 16 to 30 January with 30 drawings and two paintings. Francisco Berenguer presents the text of the catalog and write a long article in the weekly "Youth" for the month of January. And in the same weekly Ovid criticizes on January 20. The newspaper Las Provincias de Valencia publishes an article by Miguel Domenec on ​​January 27 that included a poem by Juan Bautista Bertran entitled "Before the soul to seep into drawings by Rafael Alvarez Ortega", which later included in his book "Between Silence and Flight, "published by the Institute of Valencia Alfonso the Magnanimous. The critical Chavarri other text published on 28 January in Las Provincias. This is echoed in Córdoba whose journal published in February a diary comment. Collaborate with illustrations in the Journal Ateneo in numbers from February to May with the drawings of 301 to 315. Harold Wortham painter makes a portrait in oil that is exposed to other works of a painter at the Casa de America in Madrid. In March participated in the exhibition of Artists of Africa held at the Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid (53) In these respects ABC in March, Ateneo and Insula in April. In May the School of Fine Arts gives the notes of this year: Approved and three Outstanding. Collaborate with illustrations in the magazine Insula n º 78 and 79 of June and July with 326 and 327 drawings. In June Vigo is published in "The Offices" by Eduardo Moreiras with four drawings 083-105-192 and 211. On June 18 received from the French Embassy in Spain to report that he has been appointed Fellow of the French Government and should be in Paris on August 1 In July he is portrayed in a 50x70 drawing by the artist Carlos Pascual de Lara who by then was in Córdoba. In August part in the collective Xagra Gallery Madrid bullfighting issues (Oil 415). Aesthetic Ideas Magazine published on its front page of the drawing No. 39 087. From August to December in Paris remains resident in the House of Spain in the Ciudad Universitaria. Jorge Fernández There he meets an exiled son of the Spanish regime in Tangier, which makes five pictures Pictures 552 to 556. It is equipped with documentation and laissez-passer for all museums in France and the Chain restaurants University and free travel passes Chartres Fontainebleau Versailles Chantilly ... The pictures at the moment are: from 227 to 243 and the oils from 68 to 75. Martínez Novillo found in Paris makes a drawing and portrait met in a bar in the Latin Quarter to the exiled painter Antonio Quiros. The newspaper published on December 1 Cordoba Medina Gonzalez article entitled: "The painter Cordoba Alvarez Ortega studied and worked in Paris" The drawings dated this year are 69 and 14 oil paintings. 1953 Publishes the weekly Ecos Cordoba in its issue of January 19 a letter from Paris by the painter called "Paris is worth a Mass" Live from New Year's in Hermanos Miralles n º 89 in Madrid. Gabriel Moreno Plaza Journal published an article in Córdoba in March entitled "An Unfinished Symphony." Visit the School of Fine Arts El Escorial Monastery. Due to the mediation of the Huntington William Wittenborn One-Wall Gallery in New York organized an exhibition in his gallery. The college magazine will guide Madrid Paris drawings reproduced in their numbers January February March April May June July August and September. From 15 to April 30 Art Gallery of South Santander organized an exhibition of his drawings published in the catalog text by José Luis Cano. Reference release are as published in the Diario Montanes 15, 16, and 22 April signed Manuel Real and published in Alert 15 to April 19 signed by Joaquin de la Puente. Alejandro Gago unpublished text and pictures that you take Angel de la Hoz. Known exposure to Blas de Otero gives you dedicated a copy of his book "The roll of Conscience." Visit the Caves of Altamira to the company's stores and Don Simon on April 24 the newspaper published an extensive report warning signed by Garcia Cantalapiedra in which the artist speaks of the prodigious paintings. On May 1 the Biblioteca José María de Pereda de Torrelavega opens an exhibition of his drawings with text by Jose Hierro in the catalog. It contains quotes from the press in the 28th Mountain Newspaper and April 30 and 1, 3, 13 and May 16 signed by Francisco Cayon and Alert diary day 3. Reference Insula of May 15 and May 23 of the Ateneo. May 27 received the notes of Fine Arts: Three Outstanding and Approved. "First Eclogue" of Garcilaso de la Vega, edited by Bertran de Heredia Santander, with a drawing: 179. Collaborates with three oil paintings, 79 81 and 83, the anniversary of its founding statement of the Circle of Friendship of Córdoba from 17 to 30 May. There are critics in the newspaper Cordoba in June and also in Ecos. On June 1, receives an invitation signed by Manuel Fraga Iribarne in August to attend the courses at the University Contemporary Problems Menendez y Pelayo, Santander Magdalena. Participate in June at the exhibition "Homage to Daniel Vazquez Diaz. El Diario de Huelva Odiel July 11 echoes a group of students attending a work camp in fishing operations in which Alvarez is a document certifying Ortega and the Spanish Union University, signed by J. Jordana. The # 4 Clay and Bird magazine of August which is published in Cáceres publishes cover designed by the painter. La Madeleine in August, he says, was an amalgam of people to which more ridiculous, as Cela, Gaya Nuño, Gozal Robles, Oteyza, Zaes ... As a memento of the inauguration of the University Residence in Santander in the Sardinero editing a book with a poem by Jose Hierro "Summer" and drawing Alvarez Ortega 149. The Estate acquired the drawings 162 61 76 213 that hangs in place. It referred to alert Journal in its issue of August 6. On August 23 the City of Generalissimo Franco Santander offers a meal in the halls of the Royal Society of Tennis and was offered a final drawing (201) Alvarez Ortega as reflected in the Journal of August 23 Alert The Journal publishes Platero of Cadiz in the drawing No. 21 number 344. In November's Edition appears Platero and I edited the collection Aguilar Crisolin with the number 07 and which is illustrated with 50 drawings Ortega Alvarez Ateneo published in its issue of December 48 a criticism of Jose Maria Jove on the selection of artists for the II Bienal Hispano Americana de Arte, Havana celebrated in style Gallery in Madrid and engaged Alvarez Ortega. Deluxe Edition appears that Paul Bertram de Heredia makes José Hierro Poetics Anthology which contains five drawings of the artist: 170, 177, 183, 200 and 207. On December 6 he delivered a copy of which is an unpublished poem and autograph signing with the poet to the painter. The painter's file records 102 oil paintings drawings and 9 this year, 1953. 1954 From 11 to January 23 Exhibition of drawings "Platero" in the Clan Gallery, in front of Pepe Carleton. Narvion Pilar dedicated his chronic Village Journal on January 15. José Antonio Cabezas, made ​​a photo page painter and four reproductions in the Journal of Tangier Spain on 22 January. There is information on the Road Monday day 18, day 20 I Journal of I nformation on 23 Arines signed by Castro, Mariano Tomas in Madrid on day 24. José Camon Aznar made ​​his criticism on the ABC January 24. In Ateneo February 51st criticism of Jose Maria Jove, magazine photos of January 23, February Insula magazine, and journal Córdoba January. Gian Carlo Menotti knows that makes it a portrait drawings employed on the cover of their albums. Hispanic Papers in its issue of January 49 published a picture on its cover (323) and 212 drawings and 260 loa inside. In his drawings number 51 822 and 825 with a text about the painter José María Subirón and a mention of Luis Castillo on the participation of the painter at the National Exhibition of Fine Arts in March. In February, José María Rodríguez Méndez writes a beautiful article in the journal Alcalá n º 50. Arroita Marcelo Jauregui writes in No. 84, E-Literature. There are notes in the Ateneo drafting No. 53 and an unpublished text of Ramirez de Lucas. The Journal publishes Conch Malaga on the cover of their number February 16 drawing No. 816. Index magazine published February 24 on its front page a picture of the painter by Angel de la Hoz in Santander in 1953 with a critique of the exhibition at the Clan. Jacinto Lopez Gorge In March he published his book "Sign of Love" on Myrtle and Laurel Collection with three drawings 164, 178 and 181. Luis Felipe Vivanco writes in The Barcelona Review 98th March 3 an article with a reproduction. Works in the anthology of the Second Biennial of Art in Santo Domingo, Caracas, Cali, Popayan, Medellin and Bogota. The Cordoba newspaper published a March 27 article about Medina González Platero drawings made ​​by the painter. Teresa magazine in its April issue publishes a six-page reproductions of Platero 252, 261, 265, 266, 272 and 274. Mampaso painter drawing a portrait one afternoon in the cafe Gijon. Appears again in April Canticle magazine, with cover artist. In April, the painter makes his entry into military service and is intended to Madrid-based transmissions in Prado del Rey. Where is the poet Emilio Ruiz Parra, with whom he is engaged in the manufacture of the Red Journal, Bulletin of the Center for Army Truck, drawing six numbers in that period. In June illustrates "The Tree and Other Poems" by Leopoldo de Luis with the drawings 169,180,186 edited in Santander Tito-Man. Agora poetry magazine published in Madrid drawing number 37 number 174. In October an exhibition of drawings in the Casa de Cultura Sánchez Díaz de Reinosa which publishes a catalog with three drawings and a text Marcelo Jauregui Arroita 256 263 and 280. Reviews on ABC on October 24. Emilio Ruiz Parra published in the magazine Red October a story about the painter that comes with nine views. November 6 is the residence contract Joaquin Maria Lopez 48 4 º F to Madrid where he lives since then. In November, the Library presents José María de Pereda de Torrelavega Platero thirty drawings and text in the catalog of Jorge Campos and two replicas 253 and 269. Reference in the Bulletin of the General Directorate of Architecture and Library n º 23. On November 10, opens exhibition of drawings at the Gallery of Tangier Provens Emilio Sanz text in French and Spanish, and two replicas 713 and 776 and a photo of the artist in the catalog. Criticism in Spain of Tangier Journal 6, 10, 11 and a text on November 16 José Antonio Cabezas. The Depeche Marrocaine 7, 10 and November 18, but Tangier Gazette of the 12th signed by Eric Gifford. Ketama home Tetuan # 4 in December with drawing No. 687. Appears on the list of artists who have exhibited at the Delta Chamber of Santander. The drawings in this year's fifty and five oil paintings. 1955 You receive a letter in January Zenobia Jimenez Camprubi thanking the drawings for editing Platero de Aguilar. Cover 643 drawings and 324 and 682 for Hispanic Americans Notebooks their number 62 of February. Agora publishes five issues of this year dibujos088 198, 250, 294, 295 and 763. Exhibition Halls Hotel in Melilla Rusadir 28 to March 5. A replica catalog with text 181 and Miguel Fernandez. There are articles in the newspaper of the city on 27, 28 and 29. "First Leaves" by Alonso Zamora Vicente Insula published in March is illustrated by six drawings: 163, 165, 391, 649, 759 and 761. 10 to March 17 The Economic Society of Friends of Malaga in their rooms will mount an exhibition of 25 drawings. Publishes a catalog with two replicas 147 and 481 and the author's portrait of Angel de la Hoz. Vicente Nuñez writes the text and makes a note on Conch n º 30 of April. The newspaper deals with South criticizes the 10th and 11th of March. La Hoja del Lunes de Málaga published a critique on day 14, the Southern Journal returns with an article on day 18 and day 20 again playing with a text dealing with the drawing 147. On March 30 the volume appears Enrique Lafuente Ferrari Book of Santillana del Mar, which reproduces on its cover the picture 628. The island of Santander mice published in the issue drawing 21-22 196. In drawing number 23 209 and in its latest issue published 24-25-26 280 drawing on the cover and inside drawings 255 and 776. Juan Emilio Aragonés publishes a paper with a picture of Angel Ateneo sickle magazine of April. Illustrated with twelve drawings from 896 to 905 the book of Virgil Sevillano "Josa Literary." "South of Remembrance" Concha Lagos with eleven drawings: from 627 to 637 in Agora Publishing. Twenty Spanish poet Rafael Millán, portrait of Gabriel Celaya. Appears the first edition of Platero and I in the Literature Collection Military service ends: April 5, 1954 - May 31, 1955. Exhibition of Sketches for the printing of fabrics organized by Gaston y Daniela in Madrid on May 31 to June 15. First Exposition de la Mediterranee in Alexandria July 15 to 15 September. Oil holds a 63 and six drawings. Aime Azar engages in the Phare Egyptien July 29 and in the same newspaper on August 24 Rene Benezra. In August, through Carleton Pepe Clan Gallery of Madrid is invited to the home of Beatriz Pendar in Tangier. Make the photo book "Tangier Boy's" on the beach of the diplomats and exhibited in the Tangiers Librairie des Colonnes a series of drawings and monotypes. Dealing, criticism of 14 September in the Journal of Africa, on August 24 La Depeche Marrocaine with a text by Michel Passy, ​​25 on Spain to Tangier, and the 27th of August the Tangier Gazette. Known at this time to Paul Bowles and Yacoubi, Emilio Sanz had presented his exhibition at the Gallery Provens in 1954, Geoffroy de Thoysis and Labos Ika. Located in the city's friend Jorge Fernández Paris and her family. Goes back to Spain by Carlos Irisarri Ceuta where he makes a long interview in the "Diary of Africa" ​​on 14 September and on 18 Nisa Pius Gomez writes a wonderful article titled "The Kingdom of Pan seen through a Gothic Church ". In September comes from Ceuta to Malaga and know Vicente Fernandez Nuñez and Barnabas Canivell in whose house you stay, and makes the picture that is posted on the front of number 36 of Snail in October. A through Cordoba, Medina González makes a beautiful article published in the Diario Córdoba on 17 September. Ateneo magazine in his No. 79 published a note about Ortega Alvarez stay in Tangier. Hoxe poets, published in Buenos Aires published "Two Cabaleiros Xardin of Malta" by Elena Bono with the picture on the cover 179, Alvarez Ortega. Leopoldo de Luis writes a laudatory article entitled "Drawing and Poetry Alvarez Ortega" which remains unpublished. Poetry notebooks starting off with a poem by Jorge Guillen entitled "Venus Italica" and a drawing 154 of Alvarez Ortega. The second book is for "The Lover wanders" by Luis Cernuda, with the drawing 214. In October the library A Who Me Va, who heads Bernabé Fernández Canivell published "Autumn in Manchester" by José Luis Cano with five drawings by Alvarez Ortega: 168 182 645 682 and 721. In December Caracola No 38 published on the cover drawing Ortega Alvarez 96. Salom Soliman publishes "Spain", with drawings 101, 112 and 571. The Journal publishes Teresa Christmas a full page drawing intertwined with poetry of Lope de Vega, Luis Rosales, Fernando Quinones and Tirso de Molina. The drawings made ​​this year are: 124 and seven oil paintings. 1956 In January he travels with Valdemar and Master Fernando Fernando Moraleda to Rute, Granada, Motril, Salobrena, Malaga. Torremolinos, Arroyo de la Miel, and Seville. Notebook appears Vicente Nuñez "Three Ancient Poems" in Journal of Poetry Collection of Malaga with drawing No. 792 and in the same Collection "consummation" of Vicente Aleixandre with drawing number 777. The Spanish Contemporary Art Exhibition opens in Ankara and in the month of February at the Athens Chamber of Parnassus. The collection of The Artist recorders in its edition published the Rosa Vera Ortega Alvarez Engraving 680 to Gregorio Marañon illustrating the poem dedicated "Your World." Dido The Little Theatre presents "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett used the picture in its catalog number 637. Shell in its issue of May 43 front-page drawing set 298 in the July 45th drawing 317. ABC in its issue of July 21 does cover the monotype Alvarez Ortega number 294 in the month of January the drawings for the month of May inside the 295, 296 and 1196. In July the Council of Valencia published a book of Poetry by Juan Bautista Bertan, "I Sing The Sea" with ten drawings Alvarez Ortega: 113, 207, 770, 775, 776, 781, 782, 791, 793 and 803. Francisco Morais drawing 074 used for editing of his poem "Trees" in the collection "The Green Cat Santander. On July 12 it says in his Colophon just print the book by Rafael Alvarez Ortega "The Clear Day" in the collection Who Me Va with 26 drawings and text by José Camon Aznar care Canivell Bernabé Fernández and Vicente Nunez in press South Manchester. In August, the painter went to Rome and Ravello Vila Cimbrone in the Gulf of Naples, where he is invited to the home of Beatrix Pendar where he met Tennessee Williams, Elizabeth Winn, Alexandra Moore, Geoffroy de Thoisy, Ilhenny Mc Henry, and marriage millionaire Robert Wood Bliss. Positano Amalfi Salerno Paestum Herculaneum Motreal Agrigento Catania Messina Palermo Taormina Naples and Rome. In September he returned to Tangier where he lives in the house guest of Paul Bowles on the Mountain. On October 24 the day of San Rafael Arcangel is published in Malaga "Santa Maria de Trasierra" Rafael Alvarez Ortega book with thirty drawings and foreword by Enrique Lafuente Ferrari in Endymion Collection Vicente Nuñez care and Author. Shell in its issue published on October 48 drawing number 320. Víctor Andrés Catena published in "Don Alhambra" n º 9, Granada an article titled, "All Life is Lived Poetically." In December he was invited to the house to the Marquis of Santo Domingo is in the walls of Avila, where he also invited the young Simeon, King of Bulgaria in exile in Spain. Drawings made ​​this year are eighty-three and three oils. 1957 In January it sets to the work of Georges Schehade "The Lord Bob'le" presented at the Little Theatre of Madrid led Dido Trino Martinez Trives. Journal Ya January 16 and "La Vanguardia" in Barcelona on January 17, made ​​the criticism. Traveling in March to London guest house of José Luis Pradera in the 187 Bickenholl Mansion, London W 1. Leo d'Erlanger buy oil painting "Black with Mandolin" n º 101 and Alice Winn will acquire the oil painting "Children Under the Arch" 102. Winsord travels, Reading, Oxford and Mareworth. Spend days in May in The Hague in the house guest residence of the Ambassador of Spain. Duke of Baena. Ian knows that draws Hoft (577) and whose photos give rise to "Child with Bird" visit Amsterdam, Utrecht and Rotterdam, Paris and returned to Madrid. En Junio recibe a Tennessee Williams en su estudio de Madrid donde le adquiere “El negro de la Martinica” 75. En Julio hace un viaje a Barcelona, Cannes, Niza, Montecarlo, Milán, Orta, Garda. Piacenza, Cremona, Parma, Regio, Modena, Bolonia, Pisa, Florencia, Cesenatico, Ferrara. Padova, Venecia, Cortina D´Aperzo, Silliam See, Salburgo, Insbruch, Como, Milán, Génova, Barcelona y Madrid. Aparece en la revista “Razón y Fe” numero 714-715 Tomo 156 el magnifico estudio que hace sobre sus dibujos José Antonio Roig del Campo . En Agosto regresa a Tánger y en compañía de Geofroy de Thoissy va en viaje por Larache, Alcazarquivir, Sale, Rabat, Mequines y Fes. En Noviembre recibe carta del “Pulchri Studio” de La Haya firmada por Wibbo Hartman , en la que de le comunica que tiene a su disposición la sala de Exposiciones del 1 al 16 de Febrero. Los dibujos de este año son veintisiete y los óleos siete. 1958 Exhibition of 40 drawings 50X pulchri Studio 70 on the Hague. Buick Reviews by Andolph in Het Vandeland on 5 February. De Volkskrant Repenning on February 5, De Haagsche Courant February 6. Jeet Vondicrafth in Haagsche Courant February 7, De Frits Haselbarg in Het Vaderland February 9 Jan Beedwekes Ernest Biennenhoft Het on 10 February. Jacques Verhagen in Het Biennenhoft on 12 February. Radio Netherlands Hilversum deals with it in their broadcasts with the Artist interviu day 6 and 7 in their frequency of 16, 19 and 25 meters. EFE distributes information on 5 February and Juan Latino addresses this exposure Córdoba Journal on 26 February and again in the same newspaper on March 15. At the close of the exhibition travels to Cologne, Shillam See in Austria with Harry Van Den Brock and down Insbruch, Lake Guarda Bologna Florence Milan Pisa Rome Pavia. Climb to Munich, Frankfurt, Heiderberg, Hannover, Bremen Hamburg Sulingen Copenhagen and Madrid via Brussels returns to Paris. Back to Tangier and exhibited at the gallery "La Boite" of Rabat Goefroy of Thoissy. It echoes the "Mediterranean Courrier" in Section Tales of Tingis Trafford Trent writes. Appears in Stockholm Platero y Yo version of the 50 drawings Alvarez Ortega with the title "Med Silver Samtal" edited by Wahlstrom and Widstran. Manuel Arce publishes "Poetry Anthology" with drawing No. 610. Pablo García Baena And he dedicates his book "Oil" collection "Agora" the poem "Santa Maria de Trassierra." Conoce a Leonor Castellanos con la que viaja a lo largo de cincuenta día por el norte y centro de Portugal. Los dibujos de este año son nueve 1959 En Enero aparece “Vía Crucis” de Enrique Pardo Canalis con el dibujo numero 073 en la portada. Walter Goodhue que se desplaza a Madrid desde Washington, organiza la exposición en la Gres Gallery con asistencia en su inauguración de José María de Areilza, Embajador de España, el día 29 de Abril. La Galería edita un bellísimo catalogo y The Washington Post and Times Herard publican el 3 de Mayo una critica de Mary Sayre Haverstock y en el Evening Star con Florence Berryman el día 17 de Mayo. La Libraire Klincksieck de París toma para su edición de la “Antología bilingüe de la Poesía Hispánica” de Vincent Monteil los dibujos 615, 665, 672 y 698. Una nueva publicación de “Platero y Yo” en Budapest en edición de Europa Konyvkiado, Platero meg en. Alvarez Ortega cierra su libro de Fotografías “Los niños de Europa” 1955-1959. El día veintiuno de Agosto nace su hijo Juan Manuel de Leonor Castellanos. Se registran este año nuve dibujos 1960 Del 25 de Mayo al 10 de Junio exposición en la Galería San Jorge de Madrid. Texto en el catalogo de José Antonio Roig del Campo. Criticas en el diario Arriba el 5 de Junio de Figuerola-Ferretti. Exposición en la Casa de América de Granada del 15 al 30 de Junio. Criticas en el diario Ideal de Mariano Antequera el 19 de Junio y en el Diario Patria de Santiago Pastor Pereda el mismo 19. Colaboración con Arthy Layll para la edición de “Well met in Madrid” editado por Putnam and Company en Londres con 20 dibujos: 638 al 657. Participa en la VI Internacional Schwarz Weis Ausstellung en Lugano. Group Exhibition at the Field Gallery in Chicago Mardhall nine oil paintings from October 17 to November 17. Spanish poetry published in the drawing page 594 of Alvarez Ortega in a special issue dedicated to the Nobel Saint-John Perse. Exhibition in Madrid in December in El Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid with twenty drawings. On December 31 the Ministry of Education decides the number of existing 311 348 Expenditure Budget of this Department, to acquire the artist Rafael Alvarez Ortega "Oil" Torero back "(132) and drawing" By the Port "(793) nuevemil the amount of pesetas, bound to the Museum of Modern Art. The drawings were made ​​this year forty-three and oils twenty-seven 1961 Exposición colectiva en la galería Darro de Madrid: “Arte Actual”. “Rafael Alvarez Ortega, pintor de la adolescencia”, es el titulo que Francisco Umbral publica en un largo articulo en el diario El Norte de Castilla en Setiembre. Exposición Individual en la Marshall Field Gallery de Chicago con veinticuatro óleos, del 134 al 158. Critica en el Chicago Sunday Tribune del 12 de Noviembre de Edith Weigle. Los dibujos de este año son nueve y los óleos treinta y nueve. 1962 Exposición en la Marshall Field Gallery de Chicago con seis óleos. Artists Exhibit Works at Special Showing en The Field Glass de Chicago. October. Edición Completa en Japonés de IBM de Platero y Yo con los 50 dibujos. Deposito en el museo de Juan Ramon en Moguer , Huelva. Nueve dibujos de este año y veintidós óleos 1963 Exposición en la Galería San Jorge de Madrid del 14 al 30 de Marzo. Catalogo con un dibujo (195) y tres óleos (165, 169 y 172) Texto de Rafael Soto Verges . Articulo de Francisco Umbral en el diario El Norte de Castilla de Valladolid el 24 de Marzo. Exposición Colectiva en la Galería San Jorge sobre el tema Flores y Pájaros del 11 al 31 de Mayo. Exposición en The Trafford Gallery de Londres con veinte óleos, del 11 de Junio al 12 de Julio. Critica en un articulo de Bryan Senior en Art Review de Junio y en The Times Saturday del 6 de Julio con la reproducción en portada del óleo 110. Luis de Castresana publica en el diario Pueblo de Madrid el 16 de Julio un reportaje titulado “Actualidad y presencia de España en Inglaterra. Gran éxito del pintor Alvarez Ortega”

Alvarez Ortega

Spanish (1927–2011)

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About the artist:

1927 - Born in Cordoba on May 9 at No. 5 San Felipe Plaza, Ramon y Cajal today the seventh son of Mariano Alvarez Beral Barrionuevo and Mary Sánchez Ortega Moreno Pastor Soria He was baptized in the Church of San Juan, La Trinidad, on June 19

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