About the artist:
Andre Vignoles was born in the southwest part of France on August 5, 1920. He followed a course of classic studies but was attracted to drawing at an early age and gave much of his time to it. He began to paint with a student of Flandria, one of the first Fauves, who studied in the atelier of Gustave Moreau. As he continued his study of painting, Vignoles was attracted by the art of Cezanne, Van Gogh and the Primitives of the 15th century. In 1945 Vignoles married and moved to Nice but shortly went to live at Vallauris, where he worked in ceramics to earn his living, though his spare time was devoted completely to painting. It was in 1945 that Vignoles first met Pierre Bonnard. Bonnard gave the young artist both advice and encouragement, and in particular urged him to go to Paris. Vignoles moved to Paris in 1946. Two years after he moved to Paris, he began to exhibit at the Salon d'Automne. In 1950 he became a member of the Salon des Independants. In 1951 he exhibited in the Salon des Jeunes Oeintres, of whose committee he was later elected a member. In 1952 the French State made its first purchase of one of his paintings in succeeding years others were purchased both by the French State and the City of Paris. Exhibitions Salon d'Automne Salon des Independants Salon des Jeunes Peintres Salon des Terres Latines Salon des Grande et Jeune d'Aujourd'hui Salon des Peintres Temoins de leur Temps Salon du Dessin et de la Peinture a l'Eau Salon des Artistes Francais Salon des Tuileries Salon Comparaisons Salon de la Societe National des Beaux Arts