Barbara Wasserman

American (1934)

About the artist:

Barbara Wasserman’s work is a reflection of her varied life experiences. Born and educated in New York City, she moved to Mexico where she became an integral part of the Mexican Art Scene for 18 years. During this period, she was “adopted” and considered to be a Mexican artist. Ms. Wasserman’s paintings are included in the permanent collections of the Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art, the Boca Raton Museum of Art, the Nashville Museum Art, and the “Image of Mexico II”, Museum Collection at the University of Texas. Her paintings are in the collections of the past president of Mexico, Lopez Portillo, film producer Fred Zimmerman, and Vicki Carr, who number among her private collectors. She has received awards, as a result of her work being accepted in juried national and international competitions from the Cornell Museum, the Boca Raton Museum of Art, the Armory Art Center, and the Nathan Rosen Gallery. She now calls Pompano Beach, Florida her home. Added to her creative endeavors is teaching emerging artists at the Boca Raton Museum of Art in Boca Raton, Florida. She characteristically works in mixed media including oil, pencil, and at times a bit of collage. The pieces depend heavily on strong drawing skills. The subjects have indulged fish, silent film heroines, women in distress, and an aquatic bevy of Neiroid-like beings who frolic among the f lora and fauna of their deep sea world. Her paintings of women are provocative expressive forms. They present women dreaming, fantasizing, and posing as in real life. The collection of figurative works have been recognized for their originality, artistic content, and creative quality.

Barbara Wasserman

American (1934)

(5 works)

About the artist:

Barbara Wasserman’s work is a reflection of her varied life experiences. Born and educated in New York City, she moved to Mexico where she became an integral part of the Mexican Art Scene for 18 years. During this period, she was

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