Bobby Sikes

About the artist:

A traditional artist with a contemporary flair focusing on Lithographs and commissionable murals and faux finishes Bobby J. Sikes is an Atlanta artist whose work can best be described as transitional. Though a traditional artist, recent works have a contemporary flair. Sikes was formally trained at the University of Georgia, Tromply, Inc. in New York, and he studied under several artists in Northern Italy. Sikes paints the landscape like no other. He has recently focused on decorative art, which has been in overwhelming demand from the interior design industry - both residential and commercial. Depth and Color define his work. Subjects are very diverse. Sikes' early career focused on canvas paintings, which soon led to lithographs. His work can be seen in many corporate and private collections including the New York Times. Painting large-scale murals has also been a focus for Sikes. Constant demand for these paintings keeps him busy in a struggle between the canvas and wall/ceiling applications. Sikes can be commissioned for important projects where detail is critical. Collectors have found Sikes' work to be a secure investment as well as an inspiration in today's art world. From

Bobby Sikes

(14 works)

About the artist:

A traditional artist with a contemporary flair focusing on Lithographs and commissionable murals and faux finishes Bobby J. Sikes is an Atlanta artist whose work can best be described as transitional. Though a traditional artist, recent works have a

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