C. Daniel Gelakoska

American (19??–2015)

About the artist:

Born in Glen Haven, Michigan Attended High School and graduated from Glen Haven H.S. Kendall School of Design, Grand Rapids, MI Denver Arts Workshop, Metropolitan State College, Denver, CO Employment: Herman Miller, Zealand, MI Various companies in Missouri and Colorado. Self-employed since 1970, artist studio in Denver, CO Exhibitions: Artwork selected to be used as event poster/ public announcement Cherry Creek Arts Festival, Denver, CO Ann Arbor Arts Festival, Ann Arbor, MI Milwaukee Arts Festival, Milwaukee, WI Shows: Denver, Aspen, Vail, CO Miami Beach, Boca Raton, FL Chicago, IL New York City, NY Los Angeles, CA Interests: Cooking, Wine, Skiing, Boating. Shop prints by Daniel Gelakoska online.

C. Daniel Gelakoska

American (19??–2015)

(3 works)

About the artist:

Born in Glen Haven, Michigan Attended High School and graduated from Glen Haven H.S. Kendall School of Design, Grand Rapids, MI Denver Arts Workshop, Metropolitan State College, Denver, CO Employment: Herman Miller, Zealand, MI Various companies in

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