David Ruth


About the artist:

Bay Area artist David Ruth has been making large-scale cast glass sculpture for over 30 years. After studies, Ruth moved to France where he developed techniques of cast glass sculpture with embedded color and imagery. Notable works include a glass entryway in the Emergency Operations Center in Oakland, California, and a 100-foot cast glass mural for Tokyo DisneySea in Japan. In 2003, Ruth was an artist in residence at Silpakorn University in Thailand as part of the Thai-American Exchange Program. He was awarded the National Science Foundation, Antarctic Artists and Writers Program grant for travel to Palmer Station, Antarctica taking texture molds off glacier ice and stone. This geology continues to inform Ruth’s current work. Ruth is currently finishing a two-story architectural glass mural, The Colorado Cascade. His sculptures are featured at Traver Gallery in Seattle, Joyce Gordon Gallery in Oakland, and Hawthorne Gallery on the central California coast.

David Ruth


(4 works)

About the artist:

Bay Area artist David Ruth has been making large-scale cast glass sculpture for over 30 years. After studies, Ruth moved to France where he developed techniques of cast glass sculpture with embedded color and imagery. Notable works include a glass

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