Donald Nield


About the artist:

Donald Nield borrows from the past and recombines a variety of elements in a fecund imagery rife with imagination. Mr. Nield makes use of allegorical, symbalism and surreal imagery. For example: He uses the classical surreal device of juxtaposition of unlikely subjects to create an eerie suffocating atmosphere. If his paintings are indecipherable, it is because they refer to the artist's personal iconography. Some are relatively transparent, but others remain difficult. It is not necessarily the artist's intent to convey meaning, but feeling and any interpretation of the painting is as valid or invalid as any other. Like most surrealists, Mr. Nield is also a classicist who paints with great care and conviction. The very precision of rendering contributes to the bizarre Quality of his canvasses. Although Mr. Nield's style is classical, the language of his vision is contemporary. His paintings are a strange mix of formalism combined with a sense of dislocation which is the onus of 20th century man. Selected Exhibitions N.Y. City Ballet Gallery United States Navy Gallerie Extension Strand Bookstore Petria's Gallery Greenwich House Collections United States Navy Anita Kurman-Gulkin David Wolynski Harry Aaronson Jamie Brontha Cathy Cody

Donald Nield


(1 works)

About the artist:

Donald Nield borrows from the past and recombines a variety of elements in a fecund imagery rife with imagination. Mr. Nield makes use of allegorical, symbalism and surreal imagery. For example: He uses the classical surreal device of juxtaposition

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