Jiri Madlo

Czech (1934)

About the artist:

Jirí Mádlo, painter and graphic designer, was born in the Czech town of Lovosice on March 13, 1934. Completing his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, he studied painting, graphic arts and pedagogy at Charles University in Prague. He is a member of the Union of Czech Visual Artists and Visual Artists´ Association in Prague. At present he gives lectures on history of art at the Faculty of Theology of Charles University in Prague. He is a free-lance artist, a painter and graphic designer. The general themes of his work are Man and Nature. He is well known both in his country and abroad for his portraiture. He portrayed a lot of outstanding personalities of Czech culture and history, being noted as well for his series of children, young people and women. His works of art are highly appreciated in Austria, the Netherlands and in Germany, where he has got plenty of commissions, for example portraying the chief doctor of the Neurosurgical Department in the University Clinic in Leiden, Netherlands and where he exhibited his landscapes, the other subject of his interest. He aims to capture in his landscape the atmosphere and his own feelings, trying to understand the fundamental problems of human existence. Jirí Mádlo has so far organised about 50 independent exhibitions and has taken part in numerous group exhibitions in Prague, Leipzig, Berlin, Budapest, Stettin, Warsaw, Moscow, Sao Paolo, Singen, Retz, Klosterneuburg (Wien), Bad Ischel, Bad Leonfelden and many other places. His paintings can be seen in private and public collections, in art galleries. The artist is one of the middle-aged painters-figuralists.

Jiri Madlo

Czech (1934)

(2 works)

About the artist:

Jirí Mádlo, painter and graphic designer, was born in the Czech town of Lovosice on March 13, 1934. Completing his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, he studied painting, graphic arts and pedagogy at Charles University in

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