John F. Leonard

American (1921–1987)

About the artist:

John Francis Leonard the youngest of three brothers was born to Essie and Leroy Leonard on September 7th 1921 in Wilmington, North Carolina. During his lifetime his love of art never waned and through this love he acquired many friends in the art world. John "Johnny" had a full life. After graduation from Hamilton High School in Brooklyn, New York, he was employed by Brooklyn, New York and Bayonne, New Jersey naval ship yards. On December 28th 1943, he was inducated into the United States Army. Johnny served as a Staff Sergeant in the European Theater of War until his honorable discharge in the European Theater of War until his honorable discharge on May 3rd, 1946. For his service hewas awarded an EAME Campaign Medal, a Good Conduct Medal and the World War Two Victory Medal. Next, Johnny travelled to Chicago where he enrolled in the Chicago Institute of Technology. While there he majored in the Fine Arts, having an artistic talent evident since his first years of grammar school. On December 10th 1987 at the age of 66 John Leonard passed away.

John F. Leonard

American (1921–1987)

(69 works)

About the artist:

John Francis Leonard the youngest of three brothers was born to Essie and Leroy Leonard on September 7th 1921 in Wilmington, North Carolina. During his lifetime his love of art never waned and through this love he acquired many friends in the art

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