Kenneth Frazier

American (1867–1949)

About the artist:

Kenneth Frazier, born June 14, 1867 in Paris, France to American parents, was an illustrator who worked in a hybrid of Art Nouveau, Impressionist and Realist styles. The watercolors Portrait of a Fortune Teller and Portrait of a Stylish Woman explore his type of illustration, which reflected increasing female sophistication. Frazier graduated from Lehigh University with a B. A. degree and returned to France to study art at the AcademieJulien, as a pupil under Lefebre and Constant, and worked as an artist from 1889 on, residing in New York City. He exhibited in the 1913 Armory Show in New York City, which made the point that, for all its impact as the first major introduction of modern art and modern artists to America, it was, in fact, an exhibition of artists working with wildly divergent styles. Kenneth Frazier was elected an Associate of the National Academy of Design, in New York City, in 1906. He was also a member of the Society of American Artists and the Century Club of New York. He was married at Garrisons, New York, in November, 1904 to Julia Fish Rogers, daughter of William Evans Rogers and Susan Fish Rogers. He died at his home in Garrison, New York in August of 1949.

Kenneth Frazier

American (1867–1949)

(1 works)

About the artist:

Kenneth Frazier, born June 14, 1867 in Paris, France to American parents, was an illustrator who worked in a hybrid of Art Nouveau, Impressionist and Realist styles. The watercolors Portrait of a Fortune Teller and Portrait of a Stylish Woman

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