About the artist:
Profession : Painter, Illustrator, Designer Education : University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT BFA in Fine Art, Art History Exhibits Elaine Benson Gallery Bridgehampton NY Group Shows 1983 - 1991, 2000 Springs Artists Invitational Show, Ashawagh Hall 1982 - 2000 Springs Improvement Society Members Show 1982 - 2000 Two Man Show, Ashawagh Hall, East Hampton, NY 2000 Five Man Show, Ashawagh Hall, East Hampton, NY 1997 The Nature Conservancy Benefit Auctions 1983 - 1999 Group for the South For Benefit Shows 1982 - 1990 Artists of the Hamptons Show and Auction, Guernsey Gallery, Lexington Avenue Armory, New York, NY 1992 Artists of the Hamptons Show, Bologna Landi Gallery East Hampton, NY 1991 Guild Hall Museum, East Hampton, NY One Man Show 1987 Two Man Show 1974 Member's Exhibits 1974 - 1996 The Parrish Art Museum, Southampton, NY Juried Shows 1974 - 1979 Art in Public Places, Town of East Hampton, NY 1988 University of Connecticut, Atrium Gallery, School of Fine Arts 1987 One Man Show, Fresno Place, East Hampton, NY 1987 Giraffics Gallery, East Hampton, NY 1989, 1987 Gallery East, East Hampton, NY Two Man Shows 1982, 1986, 1984 Group Shows 1998, 1989, 1981 - 1986 One Man Show, East Hampton Town Marine Museum, NY 1985 One Man Show, Kitchen Arts & Letters, NY 1984 The Hampton Classic, Southampton, NY 1984 Artist Statement: I grew up surrounded by the arts of gardening, cooking, drawing, and living close to nature. I spent my childhood in the woods with a grandfather who was an artist, naturalist, hiker, and farmer. I loved his studio, the detail of his work, and his orderly collections. He and my grandmother lived on a small farm outside New York City; they raised goats and chickens and kept a huge flower and vegetable garden. My grandmother taught me to garden and to cook, to arrange flowers, and know the birds that filled the yard. My grandfather took me to the woods and taught me the names of things; he knew the name for every flower, tree, rock, and animal. Learning names was a way to become more acquainted with the wealth and variety of nature and to begin to look at details more closely. I heard flower and animal fables, Indian legends, woodland fairy tales and nature lore; a strong kinship with nature came from that early combination of lore and legend. I have collected, named, and arranged things, from the woods, the beach, gardens and meadows, since childhood, in accordance with the magic that they have for me. Then I found that I could draw them and make watercolors. My work revolves around a series of subjects, largely drawn from nature; sequential drawings, watercolors, and prints that explore an idea and reflect the balances and harmonies in nature and life. My paintings and illustrations for cookbooks and gardening books bring together my loves, interests, and skills. A deep appreciation for nature fills my life and directs my efforts, as an artist, teacher, and person. I like to share the enchantment, appreciation, understanding, and the opportunity to benefit from the joy and centering that comes from oneness with nature.