Lloyd DeBerry


About the artist:

Paintings, Drawings and 3D Mixed Media. Artist Statement I believe Artists are mystics that pass information from one generation to another. As an artist I try to focus on the aspects of every day life that could become spectacular events in the future. I don't favor any particular medium. I let the subject determine the medium best suited to tell the story. With each creation I attempt to tell a story about a place, a time or situation. In the 80's I studied and strived to perfect painting. By the early 90's I discovered that to evolve I had to create more three- dimensionally. I could no longer be limited to a single medium. This in turn unlocked the world of mixed-media and broke the shackles of tradition, leaving only creative discipline. At this point in life, I feel competent to attempt anything artistic. I have learned the greatest mistake is not nearly as bad as not trying. Resume / Bio Lloyd DeBerry began exhibiting a natural talent for art at an early age. As a child he developed his artistic talents with the aid of text books, mail order courses and studying anatomy from an encyclopedia. After high school DeBerry joined the US Army and enrolled in a number of correspondence courses while stationed in Japan and Korea. This was a period that spawned DeBerry's love of human observation. The bustling streets and market places of the Far East were full of sights and scenes that played an important part in his development and appreciation for the human condition. After completing 3 years of military service DeBerry's applied and was accepted to the prestigious Hollywood Art Center in Los Angeles. It was during this period that he became serious about the commercial side of the art world. While never loosing touch with his first love, painting, the next four years expanded his horizons by studying design, color, commercial production, sculpture and theory with some of the best artists in the world. He was awarded a BFA in 1981. This training in the classical forms of composition and color later became the basis for DeBerry's abstract figure studies. DeBerry's trademark style combines the classic art forms with the use of cubism and hints of the surreal. By developing figure studies engaged in contemporary activities, and allowing them to perform on a stage of old master disciplines, constructed to challenge the spectacular while highlighting the obvious, DeBerry prolongs the visual experience with thought-provoking and highly entertaining compositions. DeBerry's rich palette of warm and cool colors interact to create excitement. His creative touches, such as three-dimensional assemblages and mixed media constructions, enhance the overall audience appeal. DeBerry has managed his own successful graphic design company, Fine Art and Graphics, for the last 10 years while continuing to travel and study art. He currently maintains a working artist studio in Nashville TN. and is Co-Founder and CEO of Center Stage Magazine.

Lloyd DeBerry


(1 works)

About the artist:

Paintings, Drawings and 3D Mixed Media. Artist Statement I believe Artists are mystics that pass information from one generation to another. As an artist I try to focus on the aspects of every day life that could become spectacular events in the

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