About the artist:
A direct descendent of Prince Gisulfo II of Salerno, Mirkò Guida was born on the Amalfi coast in 1980. He began painting at seven years old. Mirkò’s father realized his young son’s artistic qualities. He arranged for Mirkò to take drawing lessons from the Dutch artist, Frans Brugman, a painter who worked with M.C. Escher on several projects representing the town of Atrani. Young Mirkò and Brugman started a long friendship until Brugman’s death in 2002. Brugman often told Mirkò “You are lucky, you won’t have to stuggle like I did. It’s all in your hands.” Brugman was right. Shortly after Brugman’s death, Mirkò started a brilliant career. At only 18 years old, an art dealer in Ravello sold several pieces to Gore Vidal who appreciated the originality of his style. Two years later Robert Zemeckis, struck by the colors and imagination of Mirkò’s work, bought a few pieces. The most significant work of his artistic life, “Parsifal,” was made on lavastone. It was commissioned in 2004 by Rupert Murdoch. People began noticing this phenomenon. In 2007, Mirkò began a cooperation with art dealer, Rock Walker, entrusting him with the exclusive sale of his work.When asked about his success, Mirkò says, “I think it is predestined, everything comes like a gift from God.” In some of his first research, Mirkò came across some stylized figures drawn on the tombs of the civilization Cuma (Naples) in the third century B.C. While the features are simple, this work inspired Mirkò’s current style. Trained as a graphic artist, Mirkò says, “I consider my style more graphic than pictorial. My research goes toward the bidimensionality, giving more preference to the color than to the tridimensinality and to the definition of details.” The use of color in Mirkò’s work is deep, dynamic, lively, vigorous, yet conflicting. It is something almost never seen before. Everything is achieved using primary colors, layed down with vitality and without tonal dissolution. In short: Broken painting.