About the artist:
Artist, sculptor and printmaker, Otto Neals was born in Lake City, South Carolina. He
is self-taught in all mediums except in the area of printmaking which he learned at the Bob
Blackburn printmaking workshop, studying with Roberto de Lamonica, Mohammed Khalil and
Krishna Reddy. His commissioned works include a 20 foot mural at Brooklyn's Kings County
Hospital, a bronze work at the Brooklyn Children's Center, ten bronze plaques at the "Harlem
Walk of Fame" and a bronze work at Prospect Park in Brooklyn based on the works of Ezra Jack
Keats, entitled, "Peter and Willie". For this work, he was awarded the New York City arts
commissions' award of excellence for design.
Public and Private Collections: the Ghana National Museum, the Columbia Museum (S.C.)., the
Smithsonian Institute, the Library of Congress, Hon. John Lewis, Mayor David Dinkins, Randy
Weston, Hon. Bruce Wright, Harry Belafonte, Dr. Ute Wachsmann, Hon. Una Clarke and Oprah
Exhibited: Studio Museum in Harlem, Howard University, Du Sable Museum, Huntsville
Museum of Art (Alabama), Columbia Museum (S.C.), Benedict College, Gibbs Museum (S.C.),
Brooklyn Museum, Hampton Museum, Museo de Arte Moderno Gallery, Cali Colombia
Museum of Art, Pratt Institute among others.