Rene Couturier

French (1933)

About the artist:

Rene' Couturier is an artist whose works displays bold figurative lines of the "Jeune Painture" Movement, and has an Abstract dimension, and a challenging, distinctive color technique. With a palette knife, Couturier's blends superimposed layers of sand and oil paint with the goal of creating a composition that is a vigorous contrast of color on texture, texture on dimension, dimension on line. Born in 1933 in Dieppe, Normandy, a coastal town of France, Rene began drawing before he could walk. As an adolescent, he attended a watch making school and later went on to study at l'Ecole des Beaux Arts of Marseille. From 1958 to 1968 he was represented in several group and salon shows in France. He has since embarked on a round of exhibitions that include Europe, Africa, Canada and the United States. Several of his landscapes and still life drawings were inspired by his native seaside environment, many others were culled from far reaching sojourns to Brazil, Morocco, Spain and Mali, and six months on the Ivory Coast. Often likened to Bernard Buffet, Rene' Couturiers' works reflect a similar eye for subject studies, but the focus of the intent originates from a uniquely personal source of fervor.

Rene Couturier

French (1933)

(1 works)

About the artist:

Rene' Couturier is an artist whose works displays bold figurative lines of the "Jeune Painture" Movement, and has an Abstract dimension, and a challenging, distinctive color technique. With a palette knife, Couturier's blends superimposed layers of

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