Seena Donneson

American (1924)

About the artist:

Born New York, USA. Educated at Pratt Institute, New York; Pratt Graphic Arts Center, New York; Art Students League, New York. Works in bronze. Individual Exhibitions Danville Museum of Art, Virginia; Galerie #836, Santa Fe, New Mexico; Greenville Museum of Art, North Carolina, 1987; Benson Gallery, Bridgehampton, NY. Group Exhibitions NY Upper East Side Outdoor Sculpture exhibition, 78; Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art, Florida; CAPS Travelling Exhibition; Ben Shahn Gallery, New Jersey; "The Collograph", NY State Council on the Arts/Pratt Inst. Awards Edward Macdowell Fellowships; Creative Arts Public Svc. Grant (NY State Council on the Arts); Tamarind Lithography Workshop, LA, Ford Foundation Grant; Clayworks, NY, (Visiting Artist). Commissions Snug Harbor Cultural Center, NY; Equitable Life Insurance Co., NY; Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art, Florida; Jersey City State College. Public Collections Museum of Modern Art, New York; USIA Art in embassies (Canada, Japan, Europe); Phillip Morris Int'l., New York; Citi-Bank, New York; Norfolk Museum of Art, VA. Private Collections Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kaplan, California; Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Oppenheim, New Mexico; Mr. and Mrs. William heller, Florida and Massachusetts. Exibitions (selected) "Art Frenzy", Modern Art Foundry, Alternate Space, Long Island City, NY "Novices Collect", Gruber Collection, Currier Gallery, Machester, VT; Hokin Gallery, Palm Beach, FLA; Quietude Garden Gallery, East Brunswick, NJ "Mixed Media 1983-1993" Works by Seena Donneson, Laren Rogers Museum of Art, Laurel, MS "Relief Sculpture", Friedhoim Fine Arts, Asheville, NC "Seena Donneson", Berkshire Art Center, Pittsfield, MA "Seena Donneson / Relief Sculpture", Danville Meseum of Fine Arts, VA "Seena Donneson / Relief Sculpture", Greenville Mueseum of Art "Seena Donneson / Mixed Media", Galerie #836, Santa Fe, NM Caps Traveling Exhibition, NY "Sculpture in Color", Upper East River Sculppyure Exhibition, NY "Visiting Artists", Clayworks, NY "Refractions/Reflections" Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art, FLA "The Unexpected", Elaine Benson, Bridgehampton, LI, NY "Sculpture, Constructions, Fabrications" Elaine Starkman Gallery, NY Museum and Public Collections (selected) Brooklyn Museum, NY Lyman Ally Museum, CT University of S. Illinois Museum of Modern Art, NY Norfolk Museum of Arts and Sciences, VA Los Angeles Country Museum of Art Long Island Univeristy, NY Cornell Medical, NY Museum of Fine Art, Fort Lauderdale, FLA Smithsonian Museum, Washington, DC Radford University, VA Lehigh University, PA Norton Gallery of Art, W. Palm Beach, FLA USIA Art in Embassies Princeton University, NJ Dewey, Ballantine, Bushby & Wood, NY Gulf & Western Corp., NY Washington Museum of Fine Art C.W. Post College, NY New School for Social Research, NY Snug Harbor Cultural Center, NY RCA Corporation, NY World Trade Center, NY Citibank, NY Phillip Morris International, NY Jewish Home and Hospital for the Aged McGraw Hill Publications, NY Equitable Life Insurance Co., NY Xerox Corp. Freeport Mineral Dictaphone Corp. First National Bank, Chicago Clairol Collection A. Levitt & Sons, NY Tulsa Civic Center Virginia Museum of Fine Art Large Scale Installations Boca Raton Museum of Art, FLA Snug Harbor Cultural Center, NY Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art, FLA Jewish Home and Hospital for the Aged, NY Jersey City State College, NJ Goldwater Hospital, NY Manhattan Psychiatric Hospital, NY Grants, Awards, Fellowships Queens Council on the Arts, Artists Seminars, CAPS (Creative Artists Public Service) New York State Council on the Arts Clay Works, NY; visitin artist Tamarind Lithography Workshop, Los Angeles, CA Edward MacDowell Colony, resident fellowships (2), Peterboro, NH National Academy, NYC, NAWA; Sculpture Western Washington State College, purchase prize; Drawing National Black & White, Kansas State University; Graphics 27th Guild Hall, Long Island, NY; Graphics HTAL 10th Annual Hecksher Museum, Long Island, NY 24th National Painters & Sculptors of NJ; Graphics Bibliography (selected) Ruling, Nancy. "Carving Their Niche." Newsday 2 May 2001; photo and article Thakery, Beata. Papermaking, Decorating, Design. London, England; Conran Octopus Ltd., 1997; photo and text Gluek, Grace. "Sculpture Under a City Sky." New York Tiems; photo and review Alloway, Lawrence. "Art." The Nation; review Perrault, John. "Up the River." Soho Weekly News; photo and review "Who's Who in American Art", RR Bowker, NY, England "Who's Who in America", Marquis Who's Who Ahlander, Leslie. "Contemporary Trends Reflected." Washington Post "Worth Seeing." Art News Arts magazine; NY Exhibitions; In the Galleries Teaching, Lectures (selected) New Hampshire College, Manchester, NH; Painting, Drawing New School for Social Research, NY, "Making Women's Art More Visible" NY City Dept. of Cultural Affairs, curator circulating exhibitions Nassau County Office of Cultural Development, "In School Art"; Lectures, Demos WNYC, NY, panel discussions NY University, History of Modern Art Education Pratt Institute, NYC Pratt Graphic Art Center, NYC, Michael Ponce de Leon Art Students League, Morris Kantor

Seena Donneson

American (1924)

(3 works)

About the artist:

Born New York, USA. Educated at Pratt Institute, New York; Pratt Graphic Arts Center, New York; Art Students League, New York. Works in bronze. Individual Exhibitions Danville Museum of Art, Virginia; Galerie #836, Santa Fe, New Mexico; Greenville

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