About the artist:
Created Artwork: The cover for the Pennsylvania Legal Handbook for the Disabled The Three Faces of Thurgood Marshall for the Thurgood Marshall Public School,Philadelphia A painting of Prince Hall Grand Lodge,presented to the last Past Grand Master A Portrait of the Police Commissioner of Saganow Michigan The Presiding Bishops of the Churches of God in Christ, International Donated Art Work which benefited: Community legal Services of Philadelphia Community Collage of Philadelphia The Black United Fund WJJZ radio The Shriners Hospital of Philadelphia and other charity affairs Exhibited Art work: The James A Michner Museum The Woodmere Museum The philadelphia mint The Philadelphia Armory (sponsored by the Academy of Fine Arts) One Penn Center Building Abington Art Center Phila. Art Expo Alma Art Gallery Comcast Cable October Gallery Received awards: U.S. Congress Governor Tom Ridge Mayor Ed Rendell Councilwoman Marion Tasco State Representative LeAnna Washington Served as: Artist in residents for the American Creativity Association (Rohm & Hass Pharmaceutical) Artist in residents for October Gallery Illustrator on Staff of Chat Magazine,Atlanta Georgia Director of Motivational Creativity Ministry,Keystone Jurisdiction of Pennsylvania,Church of God in Christ